Dates & Fees

Feldenkrais Method (R) Practitioner Training NZ6
1a Northcote Rd,  AUCKLAND,  New Zealand 

The programme administrator welcomes inquiries regarding the following information    
Payment options
 are available.   

This new programme has been reconstructed in line with international policies to enable online, onsite, hybrid and localised hubs as well as the Auckland 'home base'. Please enquire.

Year Dates including 2 rest days after every 5/6 days training Fees
GST excl / incl
Segment / days

3 - 14 January 2023 Completed please enquire

4 - 23 May                Completed please enquire
1950 / 2242

3120 /3588
 1 / 10

 2 / 16
Susan Hillier  
Zoran Kovich
2023 07 - 20 September   Completed, please enquire make up
2340 / 2691 3 /12
Zoran Kovich

4 - 23 January

12-25 May (ATM teacher authorisation)
3120 / 3588

2340 /2691
4 / 16

5 / 12
Susan Hillier

Zoran Kovich
2024 12 - 26 September

2340 / 2691
6 / 12
Stephanie Spink

3120 / 3588
7 / 16
Zoran Kovich
2025 8 - 21 May2340 / 2691
8 / 12
Julie Peck
2025 August / Sept2340 / 2691
9 / 12
Susan Hillier
3900 /4485
10 / 20


& Loans
Available for distance travel, disability, financial hardship if attendance would not be otherwise possible. Please inquire 
Annual discount $250 +gst per annum deducted for payments made a year in advance when paid in full before the start of the training year. Available each year.
Trainee Fees Vary according to number of days / segment length as above
Reservation No charge.
You may request a place to be reserved from the date of your expression of interest.
Application fee NZ $100 +gst ($115) is to accompany the training application.  This amount is credited to segment 3 
If your application is denied or enrollment is closed, your fee will be returned.
Segment Retainer
If a trainee is granted leave of absence to make up missed time in another training programme, a 20% retainer fee will be charged by FANZ for the NZ6 segment missed.
Practitioner fee NZ$ 50 +gst per day OR FI giving for experienced practitioners and Assistants. Please enquire.
Practitioners who refer trainees will receive complementary days/ hours attendance.


Trainees are encouraged to discuss their financial situation with the Administrative Director if it would cause any impediment to participating.
Arrangements can be made to ensure that the programme is viable for all concerned, such as extended timeline for payments, automatic payments, loans and scholarships.
Visitors, guests and potential trainees are welcome and must book attendance in advance. Upon agreement with the administrator, there is no charge for the first day's attendance.

Trainees from other programmes visiting a previous segment - half fee
Make up trainees from other programmes  - full fee